Departure times ferry Borkum

Departure times, schedule & timetable

If you want to know more about the departure times of the ferry to Borkum then you’re at the right place. The departure times of the ferry to Borkum depend on the season and of course also the city of departure; Eemshaven in The Netherlands or Emden in Germany. The complete and current departure times for each day can be reviewed on the AG EMS website.

Departure times ferry Borkum to Emden

From Emden to Borkum

The ferry departs an average of twice a day from Emden to Borkum. The first departure takes place in the morning and the second in the afternoon. There are departures from Emden every day of the week, so the departure schedule is steady. The crossing to Borkum takes approximately 2 hours. Sometimes this is slightly longer due to wind strength and other weather factors. In addition to the regular ferry to Borkum, it is also possible to take the fast express service. This is a catamaran which departs 4 times a day. Check out the ferry Emden timetable to Borkum.

Return from Borkum to Emden

Departure times ferry Borkum

Photo: m66roepers/Flickr

Two departure times are available for your return journey, from Borkum to Emden. In the morning and in the late afternoon. Starting in the fall, these departure times change. Then the first departure is in the early morning and the second departure is in the early afternoon. In all cases you will be taken to the ferry port by train or shuttle bus. This means that your return trip takes about 25 minutes longer than crossing on your way to the island. If you travel back to Emden it is also possible to hop on the catamaran, which is a lot faster. View the ferry Borkum timetable to Emden.

Departure times ferry Borkum to Eemshaven

From Eemshaven to Borkum

From March 2019, the ferry departs four times a day, so you can easily plan your trip and organize your day. The duration of the crossing from Eemshaven to Borkum is around 50 minutes. Until July 5 the ferry departs daily at 7:30 am, 10:15 am, 1:45 pm and 4:45 pm. On Sundays there is no departure at 7.30. Until August 25 there are departures are available at 7:30 am, 9:15 am, 10:15 am, 1:45 pm and 4:45 pm. There are extra departures on Saturday (2.20 p.m.) and Friday (7.30 p.m.). On Sundays there is no departure at 9:15 am during this period.

During the winter period, starting November 28, there is only one departure per day. With the exception of Friday when there is a late departure at 6:15 pm. View the Eemshaven ferry timetable to Borkum.

Departure times ferry Borkum back to Eemshaven

There are also four departure times per day for your return trip. Until November 28 2019 there are departures at 8.20 a.m., 11.30 a.m., 14.40 a.m. and 5.40 p.m. Exceptions can be found on the AG EMS website. Just as with the ferry from Borkum back to Emden, your return trip also begins at the train station of Borkum. That is why the return trip takes 25 minutes longer than the first trip to the island. Your transport by train, or shuttle bus, is free of charge. View the ferry Borkum timetable to Eemshaven.

It is advisable to check the most up-to-date information on the AG EMS website before heading to Eemshaven or Emden.

Emma Northoff

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